What is Midstream Review?

This event takes place for the LGOs to enhance LGO knowledge-sharing at the midstream point, primarily between students. Students report out on research progress (or provide preliminary results) from their internship projects. This event will also be open for the full LGO community. We will hold two separate events during the spring and fall for the separate LGO26 cohorts — the LGO26 Feb-starts and LGO26 June-starts.

Event Details for LGO26 Feb-starts

  • May 5, 2025 from 4:00-6:00pm EST
  • Remote participation for the presentation of the event will be available for faculty advisors and company supervisors along with other company representatives.
  • The Zoom link is here: https://mit.zoom.us/j/97588137684

We will also be scheduling the annual Charles “Harrison” Smith Award ceremony immediately following the Feb-start Midstream Review to enable full class participation. 

Event Details for LGO26 June-starts

  • October 3, 2025 from 12:00-6:00pm EST
  • Remote participation for faculty advisors and company supervisors along with other company representatives. 
  • Zoom Links and Classrooms where in-person presentations will take place: TBD

Each intern will have 10 minutes to present including brief individual Q&A.


The link is below for the Midstream Review schedule (All times are in Eastern Time)

Link for LGO26 Feb-start Midstream Review Schedule – May 5 – TBD

The program office will be reaching out to students, company supervisors, and faculty for scheduling conflicts before assigning students to session slots.


For the June-start Midstream Review, we will have two rooms simultaneously for presentations. Guests can change rooms. We will also have two overflow rooms during both dates for those who are on-campus and would like to watch the event remotely within a classroom.

Resources & Materials for Feb-starts

  • Class of LGO 2026 Picture Book HERE 

Resources & Materials for June-starts


Any questions should be addressed to: lgo-internships@mit.edu

Inclusion, Access, & Well-being

We are committed to ensuring that our program activities are inclusive and accessible. Tell us what you need to fully participate at lgo-internships@mit.edu