One of the signature experiences of all LGO students, and a key opportunity for LGO partners to connect with the entire first-year class, the Domestic Plant Trek is an annual trip across North America in January to visit 10+ industry partner sites. Over 2-3 weeks, the first-year students have the opportunity to bring their prior career learnings and LGO experiences to bear on learning onsite during tours of LGO partners. Many students report that visiting company operations in person opened their eyes to new LGO internship and career interests. Host companies not only have the chance to give the students insights into company strategy, operations and culture, but will receive an in-depth report by a student team after the tour. This is a required academic activity for all first-year students and is accompanied by the Executive Director and other MIT faculty and staff.

Like many LGO activities, DPT is organized primarily by a first-year student committee, which in July will invite all LGO partners to host a DPT visit the following January. Host companies pay a fee to defray costs for student travel and accommodation. In 2024 the fee was $15,500. The student committee works with host company staff through the summer into fall to plan the event and ensure an impactful visit.

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TC Anthony: