Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Series

Based on partner interest we facilitated a Partner Shares Sessions under the topic of DEIB. The first session was focused on Employee Resource Groups. We hope to make more sessions available in the future.

Topic #1: Employee Resource Groups:

Best practices for design, deployment, management & measurement of ERG’s to effectively raise awareness and drive change

  • When: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time
  • Moderators:
    • Jennifer Vasquez: Jennifer has been leading DEIB initiatives for over 10 years. Jennifer is currently in Amgen’s Global Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging group and is responsible for Amgen’s strategic alignment for all of their Employee Resource Groups.
    • Shawna Clauser: Shawna has been with Stryker for 8 years and is currently Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Stryker

          We are delighted to have Jennifer & Shawna co-lead this session, sharing their knowledge and passion for this topic.

  • Meeting Attendees: Please share this meeting information with others from your organization or contact TC Anthony (tc115@mit.edu) and ask TC to add your colleague(s). 
    • This share session is open to any employee from our MIT LGO industry partners who has an interest in this topic.
  • Meeting Structure: The session is structured to encourage input/sharing/questions from the attendees so that we can learn from each other.


More about the Partner Share Sessions

  • Periodically we host/coordinate a session whereby we invite our partners to share their “best practices” and other thoughts on a specific topic.
  • The topics are identified by our partners.
  • The sessions are just for our partners (not our students).
  • Note that participation is voluntary. This is not a required session for LGO partners.
  • It’s very relaxed but (hopefully) well organized and informative/beneficial to the participants.
  • Multiple employees from a partner company are welcome. Invitation will be sent to our key contacts at each partner company (OC reps, Recruiting contacts, Internship contacts, etc.) but anyone from the partner company is welcome to attend.

We welcome you to: 

  • Simply listen in
  • Ask questions​ and/or share your own examples if you are comfortable doing so
  • Volunteer to join a panel to proactively share your own experiences

Please share!

We welcome you to invite colleagues join us for the sessions. Send their name, role, and email address to:  TC Anthony (tc115@mit.edu)

Inclusion, Access, & Well-being
We are committed to ensuring that our program activities are inclusive and accessible. Tell us what you need to fully participate, such as mobility needs; accommodations for individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing; accommodations for individuals who are Blind or have low vision; food, beverage, or scent allergies/requirements; sensory and communication, and neurodivergent needs; as well as access to time and space for prayer, meditation, or sensory breaks/quiet.

Event Questions, Rescheduling, Inclusion & Accessibility Needs
Contact: TC Anthony (tc115@mit.edu)