Initial onboarding requirements

Once the LGO student is matched, companies will receive communication from Katja Trizlova confirming the match and asking for the following information:

Supervisor: Name, email and phone for the direct supervisor

Host Agreement/NDA contacts: Legal and HR contacts to review and sign the Host Agreement/NDA

Mode of payment: Will the student be on payroll as a direct employee or will internship host pay all costs directly to LGO

Site location: Address of the internship on-site location

Internship financials

Internship costs: Internship host costs are set by the LGO governing board and announced by the LGO AIR team staff within the Call for Internship Project Proposals each year in August.

Relocation: LGO provides students with a travel allowance for relocating to the internship location.

Midstream Review travel: LGO provides travel funding to enable return to MIT campus for the required Midstream Review.

Business travel: Business travel expenses during the internship should be supported directly by the host company.

Host orientations

After matches have been confirmed, the LGO program staff conduct virtual meetings with each partner company to review the roles, timeline, expectations and major deliverables associated with LGO internships. It is helpful for the direct supervisor, project champion and HR representatives to attend.